Hereditary Cancer Panel

A very powerful tool for understanding how to best prevent and treat cancer.
Understanding your genes can guide you and your doctor to choose the most effective treatment option, bringing you one step closer to beating cancer and becoming healthy again.
Cancer Image
Cancer Image

Prevention is key!

1 in 3 of all men and women will develop cancer during their lifetimes.
We designed the Hereditary Cancer Panel to identify cancer-free individuals who are at an increased risk for cancer and provide them with the most effective recommendations to prevent future cancer.

Unlock additional treatment options for your cancer.

Up to 1 in 4 of all cancer patients have a pathogenic genetic variant passed down through their family.
The Hereditary Cancer Panel has an unparalleled capability to identify cancer patients with damaging genetic variants who can benefit greatly from a modified, more tailored cancer treatment plan.

Who should consider the Hereditary Cancer Panel?

  • Cancer-free individuals who want to understand their genetic risk for cancer and what can be done to prevent it
  • Cancer-free individuals with a family history of cancer, especially if multiple members are affected or if cancer developed before the age of 50
  • Cancer patients who want to explore more personalized and effective treatment options based on their genetic makeup
  • Cancer patients who developed the disease before the age of 50
  • Cancer patients with advanced metastatic disease
  • Cancer patients with rare or aggressive types of cancer (e.g. pancreatic cancer, pheochromocytoma, thyroid cancer, others)
  • Cancer patients who developed more than one type of cancer during their lifetime
  • Enigma Genomics dots

    Start your journey with us!


    MyBreastCare provides women more likely to develop breast cancer and those who have already developed the disease with personalized recommendations for cancer prevention and treatment.


    MyColonCare provides men and women more likely to develop colon cancer and those who have already developed the disease with personalized recommendations for cancer prevention and treatment.


    MyCancerCare provides men and women more likely to develop cancers, other than breast and colon cancers, and those who have already developed the disease with personalized recommendations for cancer prevention and treatment.